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How To Have Good Quality Sleep: For The Busy Executive

I am sure most professionals would agree that there are serious adverse consequences to not having a good night's sleep during the work week. Some of these consequences include difficulty maintaining focus while on the job, slowed reaction time, and a sharp...

10 Effective Ways to Boost Your Energy On Busy Days

If you experience frequent energy troughs during the course of the workday, you are not alone. This article shares practical, research-supported tips on how to trade-in a workday marked by frequent energy dips for one where your energy is evenly sustained throughout the day, ensuring that you perform optimally and stay in peak state.
10 Effective Ways to Boost Your Energy On Busy Days

10 Effective Ways to Boost Your Energy On Busy Days

If you experience frequent energy troughs during the course of the workday, you are not alone. This article shares practical, research-supported tips on how to trade-in a workday marked by frequent energy dips for one where your energy is evenly sustained throughout the day, ensuring that you perform optimally and stay in peak state.

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Brainwave Entrainment

Get a quick snapshot of what brainwave entrainment is, the mechanism of action, the types of entrainment techniques and the numerous benefits of entrainment.


Brainwave Spectrum

We’ve come a long way since the discovery of electroencephalography by German psychiatrist Hans Berger. Check out what brain states are associated with specific brainwave frequencies in this infographic.


Power of the Mind

A simple exercise that demonstrates the power  of visualization and the potential of effecting change via the mind-body connection.

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